Our Vision

TEACHING that makes practical application of biblical truth to our personal lives.

MENTORING our youth and new believers by providing practical opportunities to serve.

REACHING our community by breaking down barriers without compromising biblical doctrine.

REPRODUCING churches locally, nationally, and internationally. 

SUPPORTING missionaries that plant local churches in the uttermost part of the earth.

EXPERIENCING the power of corporate prayer in the local assembly.

Our Beliefs

  • The verbal inspiration, total accuracy, and absolute authority of the Bible.
  • One God in three Persons, referred to as the Trinity of God.
  • The fall of Adam and the resulting depravity of every man.
  • The virgin birth of Jesus Christ, His sinless life, and His substitutionary atonement for sinners.
  • Justification by grace through faith alone.
  • Spiritual growth caused by walking in the Spirit in yielded obedience to the Word of God.
  • A literal heaven and a literal hell.
  • Separation from all religious apostasy and modernism, and separation from worldly and sinful pleasures and practices.

Our By-laws

The By-laws layout the beliefs and operation of MBT. We seek to honor God by deriving these beliefs from the Bible.


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